Ending Hunger

Starts With You

What is FreezeHunger?

We apply high technology to feed the hungry.

We freeze-dry leftover grocery store food.

We deliver food to pantries and the homeless.

Why FreezeHunger?

Millions in the US face hunger.

47 million people in the US face hunger.

14 million children in the US face hunger.

Billions of dollars of food is wasted.

$300 billion of food is wasted annually.

16 billion lbs. of grocery food is wasted.

Food pantries don’t take perishable food.

We accept perishable food.

Most grocery store food is perishable.

Perishable food in frig lasts 3 - 14 days.

Our freeze-dried meals last 20 years.

The homeless need access to food.

We deliver food to urban food pantries.

We deliver food to rural homeless people.

The food chain emits 26% of all CO2.

We reduce food waste and CO2.

Our mission is to end hunger.

Become a founding member.

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FreezeHunger Corp. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization.

Contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 99-1354200

Our mission is simple.

Feed millions of people leftover food.

Help the hungry, homeless and planet.

But we need your help to succeed.

No matter how much, every cent helps.

Become a founding member.

Create your legacy of love.

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How You Can Help

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